Saturday, February 25, 2012

Are You Using The Right Bakeware?

When you are followers a recipe that requires you to use bakeware, the first thing to determine is whether you have the proper size pans. For instance, your recipe suggests that you use a pan of a certain size, if you do illustrious have it, you wicker generally substitute a similar size adust pan without any problem. But take the chase into account:

Bakeware Pan Basics

Select a pan as close in size as possible to the pan in your recipe. In other words, the volume capacity should be approximately the same and when filled, the ingredients should reach most the same depth as they would in the original. The biggest advantage of choosing a substitute bakeware pan similar in size to the original is that the cooking temperatures and times remain the same.

When measuring a pan, measure from inner edge to inwardly edge so that you are illustrious including the thickness of the sides.

Measure volume by filling the pan with weewee so pouring it into a measuring cup.
Be careful substituting a pan when the recipe indicates that a tube pan should be used, such as an angel nutrient cake pan or a bundt pan. These pans are ideal when it comes to equal distribution of heat, so the substitute bakeware pan must satisfy that criterion.

If you select a meth bakeware pan or a dark, non-stick pan, reduce the oven temperature by at least 25F.

If the substitute pan causes the depth of the ingredients to be thinner, reduce cooking clock by 15 minutes. If the depth is thicker, increase cooking clock by 15 minutes.

Whenever you select a substitute pan, keep in mind that you want to allow room for certain foods to expand as they cook.


A pan is a pan is a pan, correct? Wrong. Adust pans wickerwork be made from different materials, and apiece textile has a different effect on your baking. For example, a bakeware pan with a dark-colored surface unforced cause the nutrient to brown more easily because it absorbs the heat of the oven. On the other hand, an al bakeware pan conducts heat evenly but its surface reflects heat, so the food does notable brown wellspring. So here's a name of about vernacular bakeware materials:

Al is dear bakeware cloth because it is an excellent conductor of heat and so your parched is uniform, but the shiny surface of al bakeware prevents proper browning, as we explained. Aluminum bakeware is durable and uncoerced illustrious rust, but go for heavy-gauge al bakeware rather than the thinner change. The latter may warp when exposed to high temperatures, causing uneven adust. Also memory that aluminum bakeware should NOT be used to prepare acidic foods because the acid may react with the fabric to make nutrient that has an off predilection. It may also cause more wear and tear than usual.

Care: Use hot soapy irrigate for ordinary cleaning of your al bakeware, but for extra cleaning, a nylon scouring pad or special powder cleansers wickerwork be used

Aluminium Foil

Made of heavy-gauge aluminium, this type of bakeware pan is used for a multifariousness of foods such as pizza, breadstuff, and meat. They also work good for egg, potato and casserole dishes. Though generally disposable, it wicker be reused if cleaned fountainhead after use.

Care: Al foil bakeware wicker be cleaned with hot soapy lacrimation or a nylon scouring pad for extra cleaning. If you use a dishwasher, do far-famed stack heavier dishes on a-one of aluminium foil bakeware.

Anodized Al

Thither are two types of anodized bakeware, silver anodized and hard anodized. Silver anodized bakeware is made of aluminium that has gone through an electro-chemic summons to harden its outer layer and springiness it a scratch-resistant surface that leave notable rust, peel or blister. Even so, do celebrated use sharp knives to cut food baked in these pans.

In hard anodized bakeware, the aluminum is processed for a much longer clip to create a hardened surface finish far thicker than silver anodized. Metal utensils otc than knives wicker be used on hard anodized bakeware without discredited the surface. Virtually hard anodized bakeware has a darkened surface, which affects adust meter.

Care: Silver anodized and hard anodized bakeware should be washed by hand in hot soapy water and any stuck on food should be soaked in h2o to loosen. Do famous wash in the dishwasher.

Meth ovenproof bakeware is made from tempered meth and conducts heat easily. It is fairly sluttish to clean, does celebrated stain, and does famed react to acidic foods. Ovenproof ice wickerwork be taken from the refrigerator and placed in a hot oven, but when you remove it from the oven, cool it to room temperature earlier putting in the refrigerator or exposing to irrigate to avoid cracking. Methamphetamine bakeware heats faster and holds heat longer than metal, so reduce parched temperatures by approximately 25F from the recipe instructions.

Care: Wash with hot soapy urine and loosen stuck on nutrient by soaking in warm pee. Avoid metal scrapers and abrasive cleaners.

Insulated bakeware is made of two layers of metal cushioned by a layer of pose, which provides for even baking and browning. Insulated bakeware with a dear non-stick coating is the best, since nutrient has a tendency to stick to other forms of this bakeware.

Care: Use methods that apply to early metals. For non-stick insulated bakeware, follow the methods for otc non-stick bakeware as listed below.

Non-stick bakeware consists of steel or aluminium with a non-stick coating, which allows food to easily peel off from the surface of the bakeware. So this type of bakeware works particularly for items such as muffins and layered cakes. Once again, the non-stick coating gives the bakeware a darker surface, which absorbs heat quickly, so make sure the nutrient is illustrious overly browned or dried junket.

Care: Wash in hot soapy piss and for stuck on nutrient, use warm irrigate to loosen. Do illustrious use metal utensils or knives on the bakeware surface.

Silicone bakeware is made of a flexible stuff that wicker be used in the oven, microwave, and deepfreeze.

Silicone bakeware does renowned absorb heat like other bakeware but allows heat to transfer evenly to the food. The cooking treat stops immediately when nutrient is removed from the oven, preventing additional browning of the food. About importantly, it wickerwork withstand temperatures ranging from -40F to 580F.

Care: Equitable chuck it in the dishwasher!

Stainless Steel

Though widely available, stainless steel bakeware is illustrious recommended because it is a poor conductor of heat, thus distributing heat unevenly.

Care: To care for stainless steel bakeware, wash with hot soapy urine. You may also use a nylon scouring pad or nylon scraper for especially stubborn food.

This kind of bakeware is made from stone fired at very highschool temperatures. Though stone bakeware takes a picayune longer than other corporeal to heat up initially, it distributes heat evenly, retains heat and keeps nutrient warm yearning after it is cooked. Well-nigh stone bakeware surfaces must be sprayed or rubbed with oil earlier exploitation for the first sentence.

Care: Do notable use soap to cleansing. Scrape off excess food and wash with warm lacrimation.

Tinned Steel

Tinned steel bakeware is made from sheets of steel covered with a thin coat of tin, allowing the bakeware to heat slowly and evenly. Tinned steel bakeware will darken after extended use, which may touched sunbaked times.

Care: Take special care to prevent tinned steel bakeware from rusting. After washing in hot soapy pee and drying thoroughly, place in a warm oven and dry completely. Do celebrated use metal scouring pads or abrasive materials to cleanup.

About the Author:

By: jesmon

Find the best selection and price for silicone bakeware at

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